About This Game Every race is different in Ignite. Each race brings something new as players try to win by using their own tactics.The score system in Ignite allows for tactics to be used during a race. Gathering score allows the use of nitro in the race and converts to time bonus at the end. So short term usage of nitro can help the players get out of situations ahead of the others but using a lot of nitro and thus score may cost him the game. There are different methods of gathering score (drafting, hitting objects, drifting) and some cars are more suited for a method then the other. Choosing the right car for the preferred method and playing out your strategy will make the player win the game.Key features:Single and multiplayer game: a 35 races long single player campaign played at 7 locations. Multiplayer game up to 5 players.3 Brand new modes of game play:Race mode: A new twist to the racing genre: Players can gather score and burn it away to get ahead or collect score and jump to the front at the end of the race when it is converted into time bonus. Knock-Out mode: At the end of each lap, the last player gets knocked out of the race. Those who remain, get a score bonus. Run-Out mode: Players start with a set amount of score, but it is gradually running out. Players may replenish some of their score with stunts or burn some of it away as nitro but if their score runs down to zero they lose the game.3 different types of racing cars: The American muscle, the street and the race cars all have a certain feel which requires different driving technique. Various configuration for each car: All vehicles have different settings which makes them suitable for different races or driving styles.30 Achievements: A full achievement system to award stunts and special skills and also to teach some of the techniques in the game. Leaderboard: A worldwide leaderboard for each racetrack.Car damage: cars get damaged which does not influence the handling.Random atmospheres: From sunshiny, to fogy the same racetrack may have a very different feel in two races. 7aa9394dea Title: IgniteGenre: RacingDeveloper:Nemesys GamesPublisher:Nemesys GamesRelease Date: 28 Oct, 2011 Ignite Download] [torrent Full] it's not the best racing game but not the worst either.pure arcade, crappy handling and mediocre graphics.i will blame the devs for an idiotic design decision on the menu colors though - i never know whether yellow or white text marks the selection, mostly 2-choice selections won't help either.. Game sucks, don't waste your bills.. A pretty good Arcade Racer, excellent for the price of $0.99 that I paid for it.Even plays well with the Xbox 360 controller.. Bought it because developers promised Linux\/Mac OS X version. They never released it.They also stop support of game and there of number of unfixed bugs in WIndows version.Don't buy it.. Game sucks, don't waste your bills.. Put your Pedal to the Metal for this one ladies and gentleman, here's a nice little racing gem for you in the form of IGNITE, this is part of the summer sale for a whoppin' $2.50...and its well worth the valueDefinitely an arcade racer @ heart with an emphasis on drifiting a la ridge racer, this game has a real excellent sense of speed, when you hit the nitro, your going to go fast....very, very fast. It also tries to be a destructive racer, which for all intensive purposes...isn't really all that destructive, your car does trade paint and you see some scratches and scuff marks on the car but it never really gets damaged to the point where you need to pit stop or their isn't any cinematic crashing that the burnout franchise is famous for, unless maybe these options come to you further into the game as more stuff is unlockedThe game looks great and runs smooth, also has achievements and multiplayer...definitely worth checking out
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